The problem
It can be intimidating to interrupt a lesson to ask a question infront of a crowded lecture theatre. With the added fear of social judgment when speaking out. 1
Studies have shown that low self-esteem, anxiety, and general lack of confidence can be responsible for student’s passiveness in class. Fear of sounding unintelligent when pointing out their view, can make student choose to be comfortably quiet.2
Also in larger classroom settings, students tend to keep to themselves and have less opportunities to participate. 3
Why it matters
Participation in class is a crticial component of learning. It provides students the chance to apply their knowledge, express their ideas and enhance their own understanding.
The students
Many students today grow up around technology. They are familiar with tablets to messaging services. And can be more comfortable in expressing themselves through such channels.5 Integrating technology in the classroom can also set our students up for success in the digital future.
Justin Lansink, 17
The Idea
Students can ask questions privately through the portal while choosing to keep their identity private. Teachers can see the questions real-time on their dashboard.
Questions are displayed on a large font to allow the teacher to read from afar. Background colour also changes with every new question, for easier identification when a new question is asked.
In larger classroom setting, it can be easier for teachers to deliver discussion-based activities through the portal. Activities such as quizzes, case-study analyses, role playing that can encourage everyone to participate and talk.
Students are able to provide feedback on the difficulty of the ongoing lesson. Allowing the teacher to adjust the lesson to a more comfortable pace or repeat the topic again.
Teachers can see the real-time status of the difficulty students are facing right on the dashboard.
Asking for consensus can encourage students to participate more enthusiastically in class. Because students can feel that their opinions are taken into consideration.
Key Takeaways
1. Procedia: Factors influencing classroom participation: a case study of Malaysian undergraduate students - Article
2. University of Sussex: Class participation and shyness: affect and learning to program - Article
3. CBE Life Sciences Education: Clickers in the Large Classroom: Current Research and Best-Practice Tips - Article
4. The Alantic: Help Shy Kids—Don't Punish Them - News Article
5. NYTimes: Students Speak Up In Class, Silently, Using the Tools of Social Media - News Article